
Instructiuni de spalare

Mercedes Benz 100% reciclabil

Un roadster Mercedes 100% reciclabil, realizat din lemn, aliaje, sticla si cauciuc a fost proiectat de Mercedes Advanced Design Studio din California. Va fi prezentat la LA Autoshow '07, la un concurs de proiecte realizate din materiale reciclabile.


Cel mai mic telefon mobil...

Se numeste Xun Chi 138, se produce si comercializeaza numai in China, si este oribil:

...pana si celebra caramida Motorola (1992) era mai ok

A zecea dimensiune

In string theory, physicists tell us that the subatomic particles that make up our universe are created within ten spatial dimensions (plus an eleventh dimension of "time") by the vibrations of exquisitely small "superstrings". The average person has barely gotten used to the idea of there being four dimensions: how can we possibly imagine the tenth?

So... o cafea, o tigara, rabdare...si click pe imagine ->


Chilli Bucket, animatie

Chilli Bucket, o animatie facuta de trei studenti la Supinfocom:

Elveon - combat de cea mai inalta clasa

"Elveon" e un action -RPG, dezvoltat de 10tacle pe engine-ul de Unreal 3; o sa apara probabil in vara 2007, promitand sa aduca un sistem de combat revolutionar.

Site oficial aici


Sticla programabila

IPifini, o companie din Massachusetts, a creat o sticla programabila. La inceput are o aroma de baza (de ex. cola), ulterior apasind pe niste butoane se pot adauga diverse alte arome(vanilie, cherry..)
Asteptam sticla programabila de babalau, cu butoane de cocarts, vodca, etc..



La "Mythbusters" pe Discovery, au pus stampila "desfiintat" pe mitul spintecarii in doua a unei sageti. Niste coreeni arata contrariul:

via attu

Maxima diminetii



Cel mai tare laptop (din lume..)

...din filmul "Brain Donors"

Formula 1 si concerte Rock la Marea Neagra

...in Bulgaria, mai exact:
There is word from Bulgaria that the city of Kavarna is planning to invest in a Formula 1 standard racing circuit to help boost tourism in its region. Tourist numbers in the region are still low and the majority of them are still Bulgarians but Kavarna has ambition to be Bulgaria's version of Monte Carlo. The city lies around 40 miles north of Varna and features a small yacht basin, a fishing port, a beach and a resort area. More resorts are being built and the local mayor Tsonko Tsonev is busy pulling in investment to construct golf courses and to let the world know about the town. Since 2004 he has been busy turning the city into the musical centre of Bulgaria with international rock concerts with such bands as Deep Purple and German heavy metal names such as the Scorpions, Gamma Ray and Masterplan


The Simpsons - primele episoade - downloads

Primele episoade din "The Simpsons" erau mai scurte si apareau la "Tracey Ullman Show" intre 1987 si 1989; se pot downloada de la www.simpsoncrazy.com

Earache: Extreme Metal Racing

Earache Records Teams Up With Leading UK Game Developer To Make Extreme Metal Racing Video Game

EARACHE RECORDS are proud to announce a joint partnership with Metro 3D, a leading Value Price video games publisher, in conjunction with the games developer Data Design Interactive in the creation of EARACHE EXTREME METAL RACING for PlayStation2, PC and PSP all formats which will be due for shipping on 27th October 2006.
EARACHE EXTREME METAL RACING will feature ten evil Earache racing teams burning a lot more than rubber through hell and other wastelands. Along with themed tracks from the combatants on the starting grid there'll also be a plethora of extreme Earache classics making up the soundtrack of the game from such luminaries as Napalm Death, At The Gates, Cathedral, The Haunted, Hate Eternal, Cult Of Luna, Beecher, Urkraft, Anata, Mistress, Severe Torture and many others

Morbid Angel
Municipal Waste
The Berzerker
Linea 77
Society 1

mai multe pe pagina myspace


Sasa, Grisa & Ion, de Igor Cobileanski

Un nou scurtmetraj semnat de Igor Cobileanski, creatorul celebrului "Cand se stinge lumina"

..ca sa fii sef, trebuie sa pricepi, sa ai gargauni in cap ...

Detectivii Sam si Max se intorc

Detectivii Sam si Max se intorc dupa 13 ani; pe 17 octombrie apare primul joc din noua serie Sam and Max:
Season 1 Episode #1: Culture Shock.



Reclama penibila: adria

una din cele mai nasoale reclame, de calitate ma proasta chiar decat sucu' respectiv(daca se poate asa ceva..)


Andrea Marin is ready for the Oktoberfest

Cel mai gospodaresc gizmo

Unul dintre cele mai tari gizmouri gosposaresti este acest fund de taiat care afiseaza greutatea

via sci-fi_tech



Un site cu statistici interesante, afisate in timp real: WORLDOMETERS


Baga muzica mai tare !

Ca si cum nu ar fi avut indeajuns succes, Apple sunt acum ajutai in vanzari si de acest accesoriu care va avea mare succes la pizde publicul feminin.

Probabil o sa apara si primele trupe specializate in muzica pentru