Silverfall e un joc clona Diablo 2, gen Titan Quest, anuntat sa apara in luna martie. O varianta demo a jocului poate fi descarcata de pe (arhiva de 1,4 GB). Demo-ul are toate cele 4 rase, se poate juca pana la lvl 15; cerintele de sistem nu sunt mari, in afara de spatiu (se intinde pe aproximativ 2, 3 GB). Grafica e destul de slaba, jocul nu duce mai nimic nou, dar e genul de "joc de mouse" care merge la o cafea si tigara.
Noul McLaren SLR Mercedes: 722 edition
Mc Laren au anuntat lansarea unei editii speciale a modelului SLR, numita 722, dupa numarul masinii lui pilotului britanic Stirling Moss, la cursa clasica Mille Miglia din 1955; masina era un Mercedes Benz 300 SLR, iar numarul 722 insemna ca a luat startul la ora 7:22 dimineata.
Masina va fi fabricata doar in 150 de exemplare, unul deja fiind detinut de pilotul McLaren Fernando Alonso (La Renault avea un Renaultsport Megan, dupa doua campionate castigate...)
O galerie foto aici

O galerie foto aici
Un film profund realist
A aparut de curand un site de genul "Youtube" romanesc , pentru gazduire de filme, imagini, muzica -
Merge bine, uploadul rapid, interfata buna, promite...
Si daca tot l-am testat :
"Un film profund realist", cu Marin Moraru si Octavian Cotescu.
Merge bine, uploadul rapid, interfata buna, promite...
Si daca tot l-am testat :
"Un film profund realist", cu Marin Moraru si Octavian Cotescu.
O jucarie la indemana
O jucarie la indemana: rata de baie suicidala:
Este proiectata cu mare atentie, cu instructiuni de folosire, cu diferite tipuri de stechere pentru uz international, si cu un bilet de adio gratis bagat in pachet!

La multi ani, Bere la cutie!
Acum fix 72 ani a fost pusa pe piata prima bere la cutie. In 1935 a aparut Krueger's Cream Ale, imbuteliata intr-o cutie metalica, fara desfacatorul incorporat cu care suntem obisnuiti azi (a aparut in 1962), ca sa ajungi la bere trebuia sa gauresti "conserva" cu un dispozitiv denumit "cheia bisericii".
La multi ani, Bere la cutie!
Cum sa castigi milioane de dolari...
Iata ce usor se pot castiga milione de dolari (3,92, mai exact) - colaborand cu un banker din Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso:
*report spam*...
*report spam*...
*report spam*...
TEL: 00226 764-28-973
Dear Friend,
I am MR .USEN IBRO the director in charge of auditing and accounting section of Bank of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso West-Africa with due respect and regard. I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us at the end of the transaction. This message may come to you as a surprise and I know it will be very difficult for you to believe due to the rate of fraudulent activities now in place, but this is quite different if you can grant me the chance to prove it.
During our investigation and auditing in this bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person Mr.Andreas Schranner who died on Monday 31 july, 2000 a plane crash and the fund has been dormant in his account with this Bank without any claim of the fund in our custody either from his family or relation before our discovery to this development. The said amount was U.S $9.8.M (Nine million eight hundred United States dollars). As it may interest you to know, I got your impressive information through yahoo search here in Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso after fasting and praying on a reliable partner who could assist me wholeheartedly with out betraying me.
Meanwhile all the whole arrangement to put claim over this fund as the bona fide next of kin to the deceased, to get the required approval and transfer this money to a foreign account has been put in place and directives and needed information will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist us and also benefit your self to this great business opportunity. In fact I could have done this deal alone but because of my position in this country as a civil servant (A Banker),we are not allowed to operate a foreign account and would eventually raise an eye brow on my side during the time of transfer because I work in this bank.
This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin with affidavit of trust of oath to the Bank and also present a foreign account where he will need the money to be re-transferred into on his request as it may be after due verification and clarification by the correspondent branch of the bank where the whole money will be remitted from to your own designation bank account.
I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free. On smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as gratification, while the both of us take care of expenses that may arise during the time of transfer and also telephone bills, while 60% will be for me. Please, you have been advised to keep "top secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal with you.
I will be monitoring the whole situation here in this bank until you confirm the money in your account and ask me to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment, either in your country or any country you advice us to invest in. All other necessary vital information will be sent to you when I hear from you. I look forward to receive your hansom reply or you call me on my private phone number, TEL: 00226 764-28-973
Yours faithfully,
Vatican - capitala mondiala a infractionalitatii
Capitala mondiala a infractionalitatii nu e in Bronx, in Sao Paolo, nici macar in Ferentari; ea se afla in Vatican. Statisticile date pentru 2006 arata ca au fost inregistrate 341 cazuri civile si 486 cazuri penale. La o populatie de 492 de oameni, asta inseamna ca rata infractionalitatii este de 1,5 cazuri/ om, de 20 de ori mai mult decat in cazul Italiei.
articol in Spiegel
articol in Spiegel
Rage Against The Machine - reuniti
Rage Against The Machine se vor reuni dupa 7 ani, pentru un singur show, fiind cap de afis in festivalul Coachella, in California(27-29 aprilie). Festivalul tine trei zile, ceilalti headlineri vor fi Red Hot Chili Peppers (ca si in 2003) si Björk (prezenta si in 2002). Alte prezente la festival: Arcade Fire, Placebo, Interpol, Willie Nelson, the Roots, Manu Chao, the Decemberists, Arctic Monkeys, Sonic Youth, Crowded House, Air, Tiësto and Kings of Leon
Noul tip de decoratiuni auto
Fredo & Pid'Jin si-au mutat cartierul general
Fredo & Pid'Jin si-au mutat cartierul general pe Distrugerea lumii va fi mai la indemana decat oricand!
Cubul lui Rubik - Mp3 Player

My Dying Bride vin in Romania!
My Dying Bride vin anul asta in Romania, pe 14 iulie la Sibiu in cadrul festivalului Artmania, unde au fost invitati anul trecut Amorphis, Silentium si HIM.
Data concertului e confirmata si pe site-ul oficial al trupei:
Data concertului e confirmata si pe site-ul oficial al trupei:

Vodafone lanseaza trei telefoane McLaren
Cum la inceputul anului a intrat in functiune parteneriatul intre Vodafone si McLaren-Mercedes, Vodafone a lansat trei telefoane personalizate McLaren:
Acestea sunt versiuni ale unor telefoane deja aparute, diferentele fiind de design, nu tehnice:
Sharp 770SH:

Sharp GX29:

si Samsung Z520m:

Bineinteles, telefoanele vor avea meniuri, teme si ringtone-uri personalizate.
via BenzInsider
Acestea sunt versiuni ale unor telefoane deja aparute, diferentele fiind de design, nu tehnice:
Sharp 770SH:

Sharp GX29:

si Samsung Z520m:

Bineinteles, telefoanele vor avea meniuri, teme si ringtone-uri personalizate.
via BenzInsider
Nintendo Wii este letal!
Într-o poveste tristă comunicată de The Associated Press în weekend, a fost anunţat că Jennifer Strange, o femeie de 28 ani din Sacramento, California, a dat ortu' popii după ce a participat la un concurs "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" - în care postul de radio KDND 107.9 promitea o consolă Nintendo Wii pentru câştigător. Regula era simplă: să bei cât mai multă apă, fără să mergi la toaletă
Stire integrala pe
Vodafone McLaren Mercedes prezinta noul monopost
Boxe facute dupa iconita de sunet

Sistemul de boxe Sonicum are design-ul realizat dupa iconita de sunet:

Top 50 goluri fotbal
Probabil ca sunt sute de astfel de topuri, aici unul dintre ele, o selectie reusita:
Pagube platite pentru SMS-uri

In serialele si filmele americane, s-a impamantenit folosirea numerelor cu 555-, tocmai pentru a evita situatiile de acest gen.
Cat castiga vedetele in Romania
O lista destul de cuprinzatoare cu tarifele pentru concerte cerute de cantareti din Romania aici.
Holograf 4600 Euro; Andreea Balan + dans 800 Euro, fara dans nu se specifica.
Holograf 4600 Euro; Andreea Balan + dans 800 Euro, fara dans nu se specifica.
Oameni expusi la zoo
O gradina zoologica din Australia (Adelaide), a bagat un grup de sase oameni intr-o cusca, in cadrul unui experiment psihologic. Fostii proprietari ai custii fusesera niste urangutani, se pare ca o alta motivatie a experimentului fiind trezirea constientului publicului pentru conservarea speciilor de primate. Dar, tinand cont ca sunt microfoane si webcamuri peste tot in cusca, iar publicul poate sa-si voteze "exponatul" preferat, mai degraba duce a Zoo - Big Brother.
Veterinarii angajati de respectiva gradina zoologica au declarat ca nu se vor da inapoi de la uzul sagetilor cu tranchilizante in cazul problemelor de comportament.
Veterinarii angajati de respectiva gradina zoologica au declarat ca nu se vor da inapoi de la uzul sagetilor cu tranchilizante in cazul problemelor de comportament.
Hackerii crestini ataca siteurile porno!
Hackerii crestini ataca siteurile porno!
articol aici
Hackerii crestini ataca siteurile porno!
articol aici
"Next time some unchristian pervert goes looking for a GIF of a donkey doing what he oughtn't, the words of our Precious Savior will flash across his screen and lead him out of darkness. Jesus will touch him before he can even touch himself!"
Yahoo anunta lansarea Go 2.0

Yahoo anunta lansarea Go 2.0, o aplicatie pentru mobile, varianta beta a aparut deja. Go 2.0 ofera informatii de genul vreme, cotatii bursiere, stiri etc. si bineinteles yahoo search. Din pacate, e limitat la o lista foarte mica de telefoane
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