"kingdoms" este un expansion pentru medieval 2 total war, se anunta a fi un expantion de anvergura, cu 4 campanii mari: brittania, the crusades, teutonic si americas. aici, un gameplay din "crusades":
Sega anunta pentru 2008 un nou capitol in seria Total War : Empire: Total War, care va veni cu ceva nou: batalia navala 3 d
greu, greu cu busteanu daca nu mai e ceva alcool, pe bicicleta. hopa sus! pune mana! suie asta sa mergem acas! batalia a fost castigata de bustean. era si mare, da-l dreacu
cum merge treaba in germania....un tren a trebuit sa opreasca 25 de minute intr-o gara ca sa se inlocuiasca dozatorul de bere din vagonul bar; era plin cu suporteri Bayer Leverkusen care mergeau la un meci in deplasare la Hamburg, cu FC Pauli.
o asemenea urgenta nu trebuie lasata nerezolvata....
When you’ve used up your energy— smoke a Camel and notice how you feel your flow of natural energy snap back.
This experience, long known to Camel smokers, has now been confirmed by a famous New York research laboratory. Camel smokers enjoy a positive “energizing effect” …a healthful and delightful release of natural, vibrant energy. A typical Camel experience is this, Ellsworth Vines, Jr. speaking—
“Championship tennis is one of the fastest of modern sports. After four or five sets, you sometimes feel that you just can’t take another step. That’s when a Camel tastes like a million dollars. Not only does the rich, mellow fragrance appeal to my taste, but Camels have a refreshing way of bringing my energy up to a higher level. And I can smoke all the Camels I want, for they don’t interfere with my nerves.”
So, whenever you want a “lift,” just smoke a Camel. You can smoke them steadily. For the finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS in Camels never get on your nerves.